2 "@context": {
3 "@vocab": "https://schema.org/"
4 },
5 "@type": "Dataset",
6 "@id": "https://registry.org/permanentUrlToThisJsonDoc",
7 "name": "A concise but descriptive name of the dataset",
8 "description": "An extended, free-text description of what's in the dataset, who created it, and other attributes",
9 "url": "https://urlToTheDatasetOrLandingPage.org/",
10 "sameAs": [
11 "http://alternativeUrlToTheDatasetOrLandingPage.org"
12 ],
13 "license": "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License",
14 "citation": [
15 "Citation to other work relevant to this dataset",
16 "Citation to other work relevant to this dataset",
17 "Citation to other work relevant to this dataset"
18 ],
19 "version": "2021-04-24T06:34:56.000Z",
20 "keywords": [
21 "Keyword 1",
22 "Keyword 2",
23 "Keyword 3"
24 ],
25 "measurementTechnique": "The URL to or text about the methods, technique or technology used to generate this Dataset",
26 "variableMeasured": [
27 {
28 "@type": "PropertyValue",
29 "name": "Name of a variable in the dataset",
30 "description": "Extended description of this variable"
31 },
32 {
33 "@type": "PropertyValue",
34 "name": "Name of a variable in the dataset",
35 "url": "http://ontology.org/uriToSemanticDescriptorOfThisVariable",
36 "description": "Extended description of this variable?"
37 },
38 {
39 "@type": "PropertyValue",
40 "name": "SamplingDeviceApertureSurfaceArea",
41 "url": "http://ontology.org/uriToSemanticDescriptorOfThisVariable",
42 "description": "Extended description of this variable"
43 }
44 ],
45 "includedInDataCatalog": {
46 "@id": "https://registryOfCatalogs.org/permanentUrlIdentifiyingCatalog",
47 "@type": "DataCatalog",
48 "url": "https://urlOfDataCatalog.org"
49 },
50 "temporalCoverage": "2007/2007",
51 "distribution": {
52 "@type": "DataDownload",
53 "contentUrl": "http://urlToDirectDownloadOfThisDataset.org/",
54 "encodingFormat": "text/csv"
55 },
56 "spatialCoverage": {
57 "@type": "Place",
58 "geo": {
59 "@type": "GeoShape",
60 "polygon": "142.014 10.161667,142.014 18.033833,147.997833 18.033833,147.997833 10.161667,142.014 10.161667"
61 },
62 "additionalProperty": {
63 "@type": "PropertyValue",
64 "propertyID": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Spatial_reference_system",
65 "value": "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat_long"
66 }
67 },
68 "provider": [
69 {
70 "@type": "Organization",
71 "legalName": "Legal Name of Organisation which generated the dataset",
72 "name": "Other Name of Organisation which generated the dataset",
73 "url": "https://organisationWebsite.org/"
74 }
75 ],
76 "subjectOf": {
77 "@type": "Event",
78 "description": "Describe the event which is the subject of this dataset. For example, a cruise ID.",
79 "name": "Concise and descriptive name of the Event",
80 "potentialAction": {
81 "@type": "Action",
82 "name": "Concise but descriptive name of action that was part of an Event. For example, the name of a CTD cast",
83 "agent": [
84 "Name or permanent ID of person or thing that performed this action",
85 "Name or permanent ID of person or thing that performed this action",
86 "Name or permanent ID of person or thing that performed this action"
87 ],
88 "startTime": "2007-03-11T14:45UTC",
89 "endTime": "2007-03-11T15:42UTC",
90 "instrument": {
91 "@type": "Thing",
92 "name": "The name of the instrument used in the action. For example, the specific model of a CTD, a glider, a moored sensor",
93 "url": "http://ontology.org/uriToSemanticDescriptorOfThisInstrument",
94 "description": "Extended description of the sampling instrument"
95 }
96 }
97 }